Sustainable banana powder


Warning - this post is going to contain a mini sustainability rant!

Sadly the beauty and cosmetics industry has not had a good history in its sustainable practices. From wasteful packaging to ingredients that aren’t always ethically sourced or sustainable it certainly could be improved. There is a growing awareness of this issue and many companies are looking for ways to become more environmentally responsible.

One thing I have always been concerned about is the wastage of many perfectly wonderful food products that are not able to be sold by farmers because they aren’t what many major retail stores and supermarkets would consider consumer friendly or marketable. Enter the humble banana which I totally love! Smoothie anyone??

Bananas are an absolutely delicious treat - high in Vitamin B6, Potassium, Vitamin C and Copper. (source) But did you know that in Australia alone, 40% of the banana crop has to be thrown away by farmers because it doesn’t meet consumer standards of size, shape, look etc. Perfectly good bananas getting thrown away because they are too bendy for example - crazy. And makes me just a bit cranky!

One way that is being used to combat this huge wastage problem is drying bananas into powder that can be used as resistant starch and flour that can be used as a gluten free alternative to baking. One Queensland farmer is leading the charge in setting up a manufacturing plant to process the bananas and make a range of products (source)

I am in the testing phase of developing a face mask powder that is going to use banana powder for its hydrating and prebiotic qualities. It has amazing properties for your skin. Watch this space!

In the meantime why not put consumer pressure on your local supermarket by asking about their policy of what types of fruits and vegetables they accept for sale and your willingness as a consumer to accept “not so perfect” produce. Let’s make a difference!

Ever used banana powder for any purpose - food or beauty? Hint - always up for a great recipe!! :)


It doesn’t always go to plan….


Tulsi/Banana face mask