Working with Sucragel


Just saying I am a total fan of Sucragel. Can’t get over that magical oil to milk sensation that you get when water is added. It takes me back to high school science experiments…..

But (yes, you know there was going to be a but) it is a little finicky to work with. It is a definitely go slow process, adding the oils literally drop by drop, otherwise you end up with a split emulsion. It can be enough for people to throw their hands up and go “I’m never going to work with Sucragel again!”

This little experiment you see above is a Sucragel based, milk style cleansing formulation that acts like a micellar water in that you don’t need to rinse it off. (And yes I have been told it looks like a fried egg!) The gorgeous colour comes from Sea Buckthorn berry oil. I am keeping an eye on it for the next few weeks to se if it stays stable and then will post it up here. Watch this space!

And the best part about it - it is all cold process and comes together in a few short minutes. Winner!!

In the meantime if you want to learn more about this magical emulsifier clink on the links below to learn more.

So what are your experience on working with Sucragel - Hate it, love it……..

Comment below - I’d love to know your thoughts!


Lets talk about smells!


It doesn’t always go to plan….